Welcome to Spectre Network

GhostDAG for scalable blockchain, SpectreX Algorithm for fair and decentralized mining. Future privacy with GhostFACE.

Spectre Network Image
Advanced Blockchain Technology - Spectre Network

Spectre Network: PHANTOM Protocol + GhostDAG + GhostFACE = Spectre

Unleashing Speed, Security, and Decentralization

Empowering the digital economy, Spectre Network utilizes innovative technologies:

  • GhostDAG Protocol: An advanced consensus mechanism that enhances blockchain efficiency and scalability by incorporating orphan blocks into the main ledger and enabling parallel block processing, ensuring faster transaction confirmations, reduced waste, and increased security.
  • PHANTOM Protocol: Utilizes Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) with proof-of-work to achieve instant confirmations and sub-second block times, further improving transaction throughput and latency.
  • SpectreX Algorithm: SpectreX, based on AstroBWTv3, employs a unique three-step proof-of-work process with SHA-3, AstroBWTv3, and HeavyHash. It promotes fair, decentralized mining on ordinary computers. As the world's first Rust implementation of AstroBWTv3 without external C dependencies, it uses only Rust crates for a fully native solution.
  • Rust-Based Full Node: The Rust-based Spectre full-node improves performance and stability, addressing limitations of the Go node. It is a drop-in replacement for the Golang node and is now the recommended software for the Spectre network, showcasing Rust's capabilities for enhanced performance and reliability.
  • Future Privacy Features: Planning to implement full non-disclosable privacy and anonymous transactions with the GhostFACE protocol, utilizing Pedersen Commitments for perfect hiding and ElGamal for transaction signatures, aiming for high TPS and untraceable transactions.


Blocks per Second

Achieving unprecedented speed with every transaction.


Decreasing Blockreward

Reducing emissions over time to increase scarcity and value. Loading halving info...


Current Net Hash

Ensuring network security with untraceable hashrate.

1.161 × 109

Max Supply

Capped supply to ensure value and stability.

Spectre Network's Distinctive Features

Crafting the Evolution of Digital Currency

1-Second Block Times

Thanks to the GhostDAG protocol, Spectre Network's block times are a whopping 36,000 times faster than Bitcoin's 10-minute blocks. This speed allows for lightning-fast transaction confirmations and a seamless user experience.

Enhanced Scalability

Utilizing the Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) technology, Spectre Network allows for parallel transaction processing, significantly increasing throughput and reducing network congestion.

Capped Supply

By capping the total supply, Spectre Network fosters a deflationary economic environment, ensuring token scarcity and potential value increase over time.

Proof of Work

Employing a unique three-step proof-of-work process involving SHA-3, AstroBWTv3, and HeavyHash, SpectreX ensures robust network security and consensus.

Decentralized Mining with SpectreX

SpectreX, utilizing the AstroBWTv3 algorithm, promotes decentralized and untraceable mining on CPUs, offering resistance to ASIC, FPGA, and GPU.

Future Privacy Enhancements

With plans to implement the GhostFACE protocol, Spectre Network is set to offer non-disclosable, anonymous transactions, enhancing user privacy and financial security.


Frequently Asked Questions about Spectre Network

AstroBWT promotes anonymous mining through several key features:
  • Resistance to Specialized Hardware: AstroBWTv3 is designed to be resistant to ASICs, FPGAs, and GPUs, which means that it promotes mining on standard CPUs. This reduces the disparity in hashrate between different types of hardware, ensuring a more level playing field for all miners.
  • Hashrate Variation Minimization: By minimizing the variation in hashrate between different CPU generations and architectures, AstroBWTv3 ensures that no single type of CPU has a significant advantage over others. This further promotes decentralization and fairness in the mining process.
  • Hard to Trace Mining Activity: The algorithm makes it very difficult to trace which specific hardware mined a particular block. This is crucial for maintaining the anonymity of miners, as there is no clear evidence linking specific mining activities to individual pieces of hardware.
  • Enhanced Privacy with Pedersen Commitments: When used in conjunction with Pedersen commitments(scheduled for integration in Q4), which make the UTXO (Unspent Transaction Output) model untraceable, AstroBWTv3 ensures that all transactions and mining activities remain private. There is no way to determine who did what, when, how many, or for how long.
These features collectively make AstroBWTv3 an effective algorithm for promoting anonymous and decentralized mining, ensuring privacy and fairness for all participants in the network.

We chose to fork Kaspa because it offers great speed and scalability. However, we wanted to enhance privacy features, which led us to integrate aspects from privacy-focused cryptocurrencies like Monero and DERO, combining the best of both worlds—speed from Kaspa and privacy from the others.

SpectreX proof-of-work involves a multi-step process to ensure security and fairness in mining:
  1. Step 1: SHA-3 hashing is applied to the transaction data.
  2. Step 2: AstroBWTv3 is used to perform a bandwidth-hard transformation.
  3. Step 3: HeavyHash, finalizes the proof of work, ensuring robustness against specialized mining hardware.

We are excited to announce a major update to the SpectreX Rust Miner! This release brings significant performance improvements:

  • Now using suffix_array with cdivsufsort instead of psacak.

Performance Gains:

  • Up to 200% performance boost of SAIS vs. pSACAK in Rust vs. Rust.
  • Up to 15% performance boost of SAIS vs. SAIS in Rust vs. Go.

  1. Welcome to the Rust-based implementation of the Spectre full-node and libraries: This release is a drop-in replacement for the Golang node and is now recommended for the Spectre network, offering enhanced performance and reliability. With Spectre on Rust, manual db downloads are no longer required.
  2. Start the Node:
    • Download and unzip the latest binaries from our Rusty-Spectre.
    • Run the command: spectred --utxoindex.
    • Wait until you see the message 2024-06-18 20:30:45.630+02:00 [INFO ] Accepted block 59209d..., indicating the node is up and running properly.
  3. Create a Wallet:
    • Run spectre-wallet to start the wallet.
    • Run network mainnet to configure the wallet for mainnet mode.
    • Run wallet create to generate a new wallet.
    • Secure your wallet's mnemonic, which will be displayed under "Your default wallet account mnemonic" (12 words).
    • Copy the wallet address under "Your default account deposit address" (starting with "spectre:...").
  4. Importing Your Existing Wallet: Note: There is a minor bug that requires manual configuration to connect. Ensure your node is started with spectred --utxoindex --rpclisten-borsh=
    • Start spectre-wallet.
    • Type: server and then connect. This will connect the wallet to the locally running full node.
    • Type wallet import and follow the on-screen instructions.
    • Initially, you will be prompted to enter a "Default Account Title" (wallet name).
    • (Optional) Create a phishing hint.
    • (Required) Set a wallet password.
    • Enter your mnemonic passphrase (12 or 24 words).
  5. Begin Mining:
    • Download and extract the latest Rust miner binaries from our GitHub or from our download folder.
    • Start mining by executing: spectre-miner --mining-address spectre:YourWalletAddress --threads X, where X is the number of CPU cores you want to use.
    • You can operate a single node within the network and direct all miners to it. To do this, set the --rpclisten= option in the node (using: spectred --utxoindex --rpclisten=, as the default is set to
    • Now, in the miner, you need to specify where Spectred (the full node) is running. To do this, add the --spectred-address X.X.X.X option (where X.X.X.X is the local IP address of the machine running your node). For example: spectre-miner --mining-address spectre:YourWalletAddress --threads X --spectred-address X.X.X.X.
  6. Support Development: If you wish to sponsor the development, it is highly appreciated to dedicate 1% of the mining time to the devfund address by running: ./spectre-miner --mining-address spectre:YourWalletAddress --devfund=spectre:qrxf48dgrdkjxllxczek3uweuldtan9nanzjsavk0ak9ynwn0zsayjjh7upez

For detailed instructions and more information, visit our GitHub repository.

If you need help setting up the miner, join our Discord.

Thank you for joining our network and enhancing its growth and stability!

For HiveOS, you can now use the official wrapper for the Rust based Spectre-Miner! Check out the HiveOS JSON File for more information.

You need to run the node on one of your available systems (it can be another HiveOS rig) and point your workers to it.

  1. Choose a rig where you want to run the node (make sure it's stable if you connect multiple workers to it).
  2. Start a screen session with screen -S spr_node
  3. Create a folder with mkdir spr_node (you can name it anything you want).
  4. Navigate into that folder with cd spr_node
  5. Download the spectre node using: wget https://github.com/spectre-project/rusty-spectre/releases/download/v0.3.14/rusty-spectre-v0.3.14-linux-gnu-amd64.zip
  6. Unzip the file with unzip rusty-spectre-v0.3.14-linux-gnu-amd64.zip
  7. Change directory to the bin folder with cd bin/
  8. Start the node with: ./spectred --utxoindex --rpclisten=
  9. The node is synced once you see a message like "Accepted block 168648fb1523843..."
  10. Exit the screen session with Ctrl+a+d
  11. Now you can leave the shell session and start importing the flightsheet (follow the instructions from the screenshots)

You can download the hiveos.json file from the following link: HiveOS JSON File

If you need help setting up the miner, join our Discord.

HiveOS Step 1 HiveOS Step 2

To get started with Tnn-Miner, you'll need a wallet and a synced, running node. You can follow steps 1-3 from the above guide. Step 4 is different:
  1. Download and Set Up the Stratum Bridge: You can find the Stratum Bridge here: Spectre Stratum Bridge. Alternatively, the built binaries are available here. Launch the Bridge by running ./spr_bridge (or spr_bridge.exe for Windows).
    If the bridge runs on the same machine as the node, the default config.yaml will work. If the bridge and node are on separate machines, update the config.yaml file by editing spectred_address: localhost:18110 and replacing localhost with the IP address of the machine running the Spectre node.
  2. Install and Start the Miner: Download the miner from Tnn Miner on GitLab. Alternatively, the built binaries are also available here.
  3. Start Mining: To begin mining, execute the following command: ./tnn-miner --spectre --daemon-address --port 5555 --wallet spectre:x --threads x Replace with the IP address of the machine running the bridge if it's on a different machine. Replace x with your wallet address and the number of threads you wish to use. Additionally, you need to set the --rpclisten= option in the node. Use the following command to do this: spectred --utxoindex --rpclisten= By default, the node listens on Setting --rpclisten= ensures the node can communicate when running on a different system than localhost.

For Pool Mining: You can choose one of the available pools from MiningPoolStats. Here is an example configuration for tw-pool:
tnn-miner --spectre --daemon-address spr.tw-pool.com --port 14001 --wallet spectre:X --threads X --no-lock --worker X
Replace spr.tw-pool.com with the pool's address, spectre:X with your wallet address, and X with the appropriate values for your setup.
Tnn-Miner is a high-performance, unofficial miner developed by Trinton. You can view the project on GitLab. If you'd like to support Trinton's work, consider making a donation to his Spectre address: spectre:qr5l7q4s6mrfs9r7n0l090nhxrjdkxwacyxgk8lt2wt57ka6xr0ucvr0cmgnf

To estimate the daily coin emissions in a GhostDAG, we can utilize the approximate block time of 1 second. Given that there are 86,400 seconds in a day (24 hours * 60 minutes * 60 seconds), we can calculate the total number of blocks mined per day.

Once we know the daily block emissions, we can estimate our share of the network's mining rewards.

  • If the network hash rate (nethash) is 100 KH/s and your miner's hash rate is 10 KH/s, then your miner contributes 10% to the total network hash rate.
  • Consequently, you would receive 10% of the blocks mined daily.
  • Let's say that emissions are 100,000 SPR per day, your network share is 10%, so 100,000 SPR × 0.1 (10%) = 10,000 SPR per 24 hours.

The calculator retrieves blockchain data such as the network hash rate (nethash) and current block reward from the Spectre Rest API to perform these calculations.

Keep in mind that this calculation is an estimate. Your actual block rewards can vary due to factors such as luck, network latency, and other conditions. This script provides a basic estimation of potential earnings.

Mining Rewards Calculator



Mapping Our Future Enhancements

Q2 2024

Mainnet Launch

Completed Q2 ✔

Launch of the Spectre Network mainnet, enabling full-scale operations, featuring 1-second block times and integrated SpectreX mining. Untraceable Mining enabled and multi-core CPU miner integrated.

Q3 2024

SpectreX in Rust

Completed Q2 ✔

Rust implementation of the AstroBWTv3 algorithm to optimize mining efficiency. rusty-spectrex. This is the world's first AstroBWTv3 implementation entirely in Rust, without external C dependencies, relying solely on Rust crates.

Q3-4 2024

Rust Node

Completed Q2 ✔

Implement the Spectre full-node and its ancillary libraries in Rust as a recommended drop-in replacement for the Golang node.

Q3-4 2024

Transition to Rust

In progress... 🛠

Complete the migration of all components including Stratum Bridge and Seeder from Go to Rust to ensure unified performance improvements and maintainability across the entire ecosystem.

Q4 2024

Privacy Protocol

In progress... 🛠

Integration of the GhostFACE protocol to provide full non-disclosable privacy and anonymous transactions, using advanced cryptographic techniques like Pedersen Commitments and ElGamal signatures.